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Dealing with Sensitive Teeth: Effective Solutions

Having sensitive teeth can be quite uncomfortable. Roughly 45 million Americans experience tooth sensitivity at some point, feeling sharp pain from hot drinks or discomfort when consuming cold foods. However, there are effective ways to address this problem. Let’s examine the reasons behind tooth sensitivity and consider some useful solutions.

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity:

Tooth sensitivity often results from worn dental layers that expose nerves along receding gum lines. This exposure can be triggered by a variety of factors, including:

– Small Cracks:

Even tiny cracks in teeth or crowns, often caused by chewing hard substances or using teeth as tools, can lead to significant pain and sensitivity.

– Enamel Wear:

Abraded tooth enamel, caused by factors such as aggressive brushing, worn-out fillings, or teeth grinding, can cause sharp, stabbing pain when eating certain foods.

– Dental Issues:

Left untreated, tooth decay and cavities can result in enamel erosion and increased sensitivity over time.

– Teeth Whitening:

Some teeth whitening procedures involving strong bleaching gels may temporarily heighten tooth sensitivity, with discomfort usually subsiding after discontinuing use.

– Sinus Pressure:

Sinus infections can put pressure on the jaw and teeth, pressing on nerve endings and causing sensitivity.

– Gum Problems:

Periodontal diseases like gingivitis can advance unnoticed until teeth become sensitive due to inflamed or infected gums.

Effective Ways to Reduce Dental Sensitivity:

For severe sensitivity, professional dental treatment is recommended, but there are several home remedies to consider:

  1. Gentle Brushing: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to protect enamel, prevent nerve exposure, and discourage gum recession.
  2. Desensitizing Toothpaste: Try desensitizing toothpaste with ingredients like potassium nitrate that block pain signals to nerves.
  3. Hydrogen Peroxide Rinse: Rinse with a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution to sterilize the mouth, reduce inflammation, and promote gum healing.
  4. Saltwater Mouthwash: Gargle with saltwater as an antiseptic solution to alleviate pain and inflammation linked to sensitivity.
  5. Nightguards: Consider wearing nightguards to prevent enamel wear and tear for teeth grinders, reducing sensitivity.

Prevention is crucial:

Taking proactive steps can help prevent dental sensitivity. These include:

Watch your diet:

Avoid acidic foods and drinks, sugary snacks, and sticky candies. Instead, choose tooth-friendly options like cheese, fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, and dairy products.

Maintain oral hygiene:

Stick to a regular oral care routine, which includes brushing with fluoride toothpaste, flossing, and using mouthwash to fight off bacteria.

Regular dental appointments:

Make sure to schedule routine check-ups to detect potential issues early on, thus preventing severe decay or gum problems.

Stay aware and communicate:

Be mindful of sensitivity patterns and inform your dentist about them. Persistent sensitivity could indicate underlying problems that require professional attention.


Sensitive teeth don’t have to be a constant source of discomfort. By recognizing triggers, embracing preventive measures, and seeking the right treatment, you can regain comfort and confidence in your smile. Millen Family Dental can help evaluate your specific situation and offer solutions. Schedule an appointment with us today!
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